Website Translator: our new plug-and-play solution that works with any CMS

Did you know that 42% of prospects will never purchase from a website in a foreign language? Translating website content to your customers' languages is a must have in highly competitive markets - and in some regions, is a legal requirement.. 

Today, we’re introducing Website Translator — a powerful and easy-to-use tool that lets you automatically translate and publish website pages in multiple languages in minutes.

Key benefits of Smartcat’s Website Translator:

Translate any webpage to 280+ languages and instantly preview it on your website

Editing is available right in the translated page preview

You can set up different localization workflows: machine, human translation, or mixed (automatic translation with post-editing)

No need to set up an integration or manually copy-paste and upload your translations into a CMPS

How does Website Translator work?

With Smartcat’s Website Translator, you can translate your website in five easy steps:

1. Select your language pairs and pages that you want to translate

2. Preview translated pages: you’ll be able to see what they’ll look like within your website interface

3. Edit selected pages by yourself, invite your colleagues or hire professional editors in our Marketplace

4. Instantly preview the edits on your website

5. Embed a simple javascript code on your website to push the ready translations live

 Integrating Website Translator with your CMS

Setting up an integration with Website Translator is fast and simple. 

Smartcat will generate a javascript snippet that you drop into your website header - either site wide, or page-by-page. This renders the toggle to let you and your users switch between languages, and delivers the translated text once you have the code installed.

You can run the preview without installing the javascript code so it’s drop-dead simple to try it out directly with your own website. 

We’re keen to know what you think - share your comments, ideas, and suggestions: