Making website translation easier at each stage

Website Translator is a tool that allows you to automatically translate all your website content in mere minutes and publish it for your visitors without any development efforts. With the improvements introduced in recent months it got even more convenient than before. 

Here’s what we added:

  • Automated translation options. You can now enable automatic translation as a default behavior for all website visitors. With this mode enabled, simply install one line of JavaScript code onto your website, and your visitors will automatically get a translated experience on all pages. Website Translator will auto-detect the user's preferred language and switch to it. You also have an option to give users a way to manually switch to another language.


  • Language selector placement options. From the same settings dialog of Website Translator, you can now control the placement of a floating language selector (available options are: top-right corner, bottom-right corner, and hidden). You can also fine-tune the placement by providing exact offsets from the edge of the page. 

  • Manager view: Smartwords balance notification. When previewing your website and performing translations, we will show you the amount of Smartwords available on your account. You will also get a notification message when you're running out of Smartwords so you can buy more.

To learn how to use Website Translator, check out our documentation.

A step-by-step guide to website localization

A step-by-step guide to website localization

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