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Krzysztof Zdanowski

Krzysztof Zdanowski

CEO & Founder of Summa Linguae Technologies 

Krzysztof Zdanowski is an entrepreneur. He grew up in a Polish-Canadian family, studied and graduated from the Tischner European University in Poland and the European University of Rome in Italy. In 2009 he built his first business – now, with annual revenue exceeding USD 25m, one of the top100 largest multilingual data management providers in the world. As CEO of Summa Linguae Technologies, he has developed a unique business model based on a combination of organic growth and M&A strategy. He took the company public (SUL, Warsaw Stock Exchange), raised multiple angel and PE equity and debt rounds (USD 30m+) and managed a number of mergers and acquisitions (Poland, India, Romania, Scandinavia, USA and Canada). Krzysztof is fascinated by processes of innovation in cultural and business environments. He has invested and advised in 30+ equity/debt projects. Krzysztof frequently keynotes conferences and has been a mentor, panelist and speaker at 100+ events. Essentially, Krzysztof is an entrepreneur, investor and a licensed airplane pilot. He is also an active long-distance runner.